Healing Modalities

Depth Hypnosis

A methodology developed by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D., is a healing modality that has been profoundly transformational in my own life and in the lives of those with whom I work.  

Bringing together Transpersonal and Buddhist psychology, as well as Shamanic practices, Depth Hypnosis uses sound and meditation to create an altered state in which to work. In this field, we address symptoms such as phobias, addictions, trauma, anxiety, and depression. Through processes such as Regressions, Soul and Power Retrievals, we connect to our intrinsic life force and creative flow, and heal the blocks that keep us from wholeness.

Here is the first study showing the efficacy of Depth Hypnosis for Mood Disorders.

Applied Shamanism (as taught by Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.)

In this method, we address the patterns that have kept us in frustrating cycles. In tandem with the Depth Hypnosis model, I help you to learn:

  • How to fully hold your power without overpowering others.
  • How to embrace the unknown with your feet on the ground.
  • How to deepen trust in your intuition and your connection to spiritual guidance.
  • How to be of service to others even as you yourself are evolving and healing.
  • How to serve others without being overtaken or manipulated.
  • How to make sense of anomalous encounters you may have had and work with such experiences on a deeper level.

Sound healing figures into my practice here, and with the drum and other instruments, we can address energetic and physical issues as well.

Plant Medicine Supervision

For a person who chooses to use plant medicine or other psychotropic substances in their healing path, it is vitally important that they feel themselves in a safe container. For many, this means in the comfort of their own homes, and without other people around them. While I do not administer or acquire the substances, I am happy to supervise the journey in your home. Preparation and integration of these experiences is vitally important to get the most from them, and I am happy to provide this support.

Energy Healing

For years, I have been studying Morphic Awakening energy healing with Sirriya Din. This connects to my own spiritual practice, and is of great help in opening to healing of the physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

Morphic Awakening encompasses two essential components of transformation. The first is the direct experience of the field of unconditioned consciousness, the unlimited field that pre exists all forms, thoughts, and emotions, which I consider the primary component. The second component provides a way to connect to higher levels of morphic fields, those information fields that move us toward our highest potential.”

Energy medicine is a big part of Depth Hypnosis and Shamanism. As Isa Gucciardi describes it, “Energy Medicine is a description of the anatomy of the non-physical structures underlying manifestation of the physical body. It is a specialized area of understanding of the non-physical.  It is also a description of the processes of energy flow through those structures.”

Meditation Guidance and Spiritual Counseling

As a Vipassana meditation practitioner of 30 years, and with experience in many other modalities, I am happy to lead meditation groups and classes, or to work one-on-one with clients to deepen their practice. With a certificate in Contemplative Psychotherapy, I have a wide range of tools to assist in developing a meditation practice.


I am an Ordained Minister in the Foundation of the Sacred Stream

This means I provide spiritual direction and officiate at ceremonies, such as baptisms, marriages, funerals, and other ceremonies for people who may come from any faith. 
Although the Foundation of the Sacred Stream is organized as a non-denominational Buddhist church, it recognizes the validity and importance of many forms of spiritual and religious practice. Its Ministers provide spiritual services to the community with this understanding. 

Space Clearing

A member of the Space Clearing Society, I have worked on helping to clear the San Francisco ASPCA and several private homes. Space Clearing is a powerful way to set space and remove energies that are no longer serving the area. For more information, please reach out.

Conflict Resolution

With a certificate in the Coming to Peace conflict resolution process, I work with couples and groups to facilitate resolution in family, community and organizational settings. Coming to Peace is an integrative conflict resolution method that offers facilitators a productive way to identify interpersonal friction whether in a personal or professional setting. It offers productive ways to identify and resolve the interpersonal friction that can derail relationships and slow organizational progress. The Coming to Peace methodology offers a structure where participants can voice and resolve grievances in an honest and productive manner, helping individuals and organizations connect people, build trust, and increase communication, transparency, and efficiency. You can read about this process in Isa Gucciardi’s book, Coming to Peace.